Monday, September 28, 2009

Is Affordable Housing Really Affordable? How to Begin Taking Control of the Cost...

Just what is affordable housing in the Puget Sound area?  According to the Social Justice Committee of King County, housing is considered affordable when it costs 30% of income.  The average rent, plus utilities, for a 2 bedroom apartment in King County is currently $996.  So, a household would have to bring home $19.17 per hour for 40 hours each week to afford  "affordable housing".  As a result, almost 40% of households in King County pay more than 30% of their income for housing. 

How can people decrease the cost of their housing?  Cutting energy costs is one way to see immediate, tangible savings.  One area that will yield great benefits with minor changes is hot water consumption.  Your water heater can account for up to 13% of your total energy cost.  Making just a few easy changes can help decrease energy costs significantly...
  1. Use Less Water In the Shower - If you live in King County, call Puget Sound Energy and ask them to send you a free low-flow showerhead.  To make the request in Seattle, call Seattle Public Utilities.
  2. Use Cold Water in the Washing Machine - 90% of energy use in the washing machine is used for heating water.
  3. Turn the Water Heater down or off - Most households keep the water heater thermostat set at 140º.  If you turn it down to 120º, you'll save between 3-5% on energy.  If you are going on vacation, turn the water heater off while you are away.
  4. Insulate the Water Heater - Adding insulation is inexpensive and can reduce heat loss enough to save you between 4-9% in water heating costs.  Newer water heaters come with insulation and don't need this added padding.  But, if your water heater has an R-Value of less than 24, additional insulation will help decrease your cost.
I hope this is helpful!

PS.  For more information about energy savings related to the hot water heater, there is a great article called "7 Ways to Lower Water Heater Costs" on

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